Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 06 (1984)(ASP Software)(Side B).tzx
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6 ;"START THE TAPE": 4 h;"Page ";a/h 4 - Q to Quit": 4 THEN PRESS ANY KEY 2 h;" 48K Only"''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 2 USE LIST 2 2 SDrev 2 RArev 2 MMrev 2 GErev 2 ;" STOP THE TAPE " 2 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE " 2 8888888888 2 "3 CHARS CM" 1 ~ REVIEW !!" 1 |||||||||| 1 tennis 0 1 strasbourg- 1 reviews2 : 1 re unique et son syst 1 left, and jump arrangement. You can use Kempston or cursor joy- sti 1 ing the maze. Speed is the essence. The inlay blurb seems to poke 1 hack = 1 h;"48K Only": 1 h;"16K or 48K"''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 1 e d'Orics, Strasbourg retient sa caract 1 cowdenb'th 1 ays 16K or 1 UUnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnU 1 UU@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@U 1 TENNIS by P.SPROSTON 1 T THE TAPE": 1 S$="YOURS ,": 1 S$="SIXTH YEAR": 1 S$="PRESS ~R~ TO RE-READ": 1 S$="PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE.": 1 S$="ELSE": 1 S$="DOUBLE HEIGHT": 1 S$="DEAR SIR,": 1 S$="BEATH HIGH SCHOOL,COWDENBEATH": 1 S$="** STOP THE TAPE **": 1 RAMTOP IS MOVED - YOU ARE ADVISED TO FOLLOW THE CHAIN-ING UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE REVIEW SECTION TO AVOID UNUSUAL EFFECTS 1 PRINT SCORE 1 PITCH=PITCH+ 1 LOAD THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM 1 LETTRE 1 INSTRUCTIONS 1 I would strongly recommend taking the plunge, if only to get your pawson 'Penetrator'. 1 HOPE YOU REALLY APPRECIATE 1 GRAPHICS E AND F USED FOR ACCENTED e's 1 GHOW ABOUT EXTENDING YOUR REVIEW SECTION TO INCLUDE HARDWARE I.E.A JOYSTICK SURVEY WOULD BE"'"APPRECIATED BY ME AND I'M SURE MANY OTHERS. ALSO,YOU MIGHT"'"APPROACH SOFTWARE HOUSES FOR"'"ADVERTS IN THE SAME VAIN AS"'"A&F'S AD IN THE LAST ISSUE (THATDID MUCH TO PROMPT ME TO BUY IT)" 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGDGGGGDGGGGDDGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGDGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGDGGGGDGGDGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGDGGGGGGDGGGGDGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGDGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGDGGDGDGDGDGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGDGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGDGGGGGGEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGDGEEGGGGDGGGDGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGDGFFFFFFFFFFGFFGFEGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFGFFFFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 D||||||||| 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 BS=BS+(OB<B 1 AS=AS+(OA<A 1 ADDR=31999 1 ADDR=31231 1 ADDR=30463 1 AAEEEEEEEAA 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 AAAAAAAA@@@@@@ 1 A$=(A$+Y$) 1 ;"__________" 1 ;"With Dimple ^" 1 ;"WRITE OR PRESS 1 ;"SPEED DUEL from DK'TRONICS"; 1 ;"SOFTWARE REVIEWS"'' 1 ;"SERVICE-press Q": 1 ;"SERVICE-press P": 1 ;"RAPEDES from Visions"; 1 ;"Pts:";BP 1 ;"Pts:";AP; 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY": 1 ;"PLEASE WAIT" 1 ;"PLAYER "; 1 ;"No Dimple" 1 ;"MANIC MINER from Bug Byte"; 1 ;"LINE . (ADDRESSES 31231 & 31999)": 1 ;"LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;"Interface 2 Adapter" 1 ;"Hacker's Hangout"; 1 ;"GENON from New Generation"; 1 ;"DO YOU WISH TO SAVE THESE": 1 ;"Connection" 1 ;"CHARACTER SETS ? (Y/N) ~";A$;" 1 ;"A NEW CHARACTER-GENERATOR"''" COMMING FROM FRANCE" 1 ;"-By PHILLIP SPROSTON-" 1 ;" THEN PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 1 ;" STILL LOADING LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;" READ TEXT AGAIN " 1 ;" LOADING " 1 ;" Joystick"; 1 ;" COLOURS TOGETHER " 1 ;" 5 4 3 2 1" 1 ;" 1 2 3 4 5" 1 ;" 1 2 3 4 5 1 ;" SOLDERING SIDE " 1 ;" LINK IDENTICAL "; 1 ;" Interface"'" Connections" 1 ;" ALL VIEWED FROM "; 1 ;" 9 8 7 6" 1 ;" 6 7 8 9" 1 ;" 6 7 8 9 1 ;" PRESS Q TO "; 1 ;" PRESS A KEY TO TURN PAGE ": 1 ;" STOP THE TAPE " 1 :?????????????== 1 ::???????????==- 1 ::?????????=--- 1 ::??????:---- 1 ::?????:---- 1 3 CHARS CM 1 00000000000000000000000000000000WWWWWWWWWWggggggggggggggggggggggFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111119999111111111111111111111111111199991111111111111111111111111111999911111111111111 1 , FOR BEING THERE WHEN I LEAST NEEDED HIM ." 1 ******************************* CHARACTER GENERATOR*********************************** 1 ** DOUBLE - HEIGHT ** 1 ** CHARACTERS . ** 1 ''''''" Q to QUIT or any other to PLAY" 1 ''"(OH YES , HOPE YOU DIDN'T MIND ME NICKING THE MULTI-BORDER LINEAND THE M-CODE SIREN !!)" 1 ''" Francis!"''" Je suis bien content de savoirque, tandis que la plupart de laFrance est inond 1 '"WELL,THAT'S ALL FOR NOW ." 1 '" Francis's letter gets the starprize this week, and so does thefollowing one, as I could not choose between the Scots and theFrench with any hope of safety!"'''" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE " 1 '" PLAYER TWO--RIGHT"'" KEYS 6-0=UP"'" H-ENTER=DOWN" 1 '" PLAYER ONE--LEFT" 1 '" MAKE SURE THE BALL DOES NOT HIT YOUR PLAYER OR YOU LOSE" 1 '" HIT THE BALL WITH A FOREHAND OR BACKHAND": 1 '" A GAME FOR TWO PLAYERS": 1 ' compatible avec le SPECTRUM."'',"l'Editeur" 1 "which is which, I'll just say you need two which fit into the Interface and one which the joy-stick fits into. The pins have tiny identifying numbers, but wehave designed our diagram to be usable even if you can't read them. Note that the numbering is" 1 "takes over the universe."'" There are lots of doors in themaze which open and shut when the right code number is typed in. Your ESP supplies the codes most of the time, but wears out as you get tired." 1 "strasbourg" 1 "reviews2" 1 "reversed on the joystick side. The Interface 2 manual is in- consistent about which port is port 1 and which is port 2, so we have labelled them in regard to the dimple on the Interface next to one of the ports." 1 "real value for your money."'" Willy has to be guided througheach level, avoiding poisonous bushes, mining robots, and the like, while collecting keys to get to the next level. Collaps- ing floors and other wrinkles": 1 "just add to the fun."'" Controls are a simple right, left, and jump arrangement. You can use Kempston or cursor joy- sticks, but the keyboard is OK. No sophisticated protection isemployed in this program, so you" 1 "in which the opponent stays put. The cassette insert says 16K or 48K but the game requires a 48K machine. Tiny quibble unlessyou happen to have a 16K machineand buy the game on the basis ofthe assurance on the label.": 1 "cowdenb'th" 1 "can modify the code a bit with- out too much effort. POKE 35130,1 before the USR call and Willy lives forever. Anyone who has just gone purple in the face at the thought of such 'cheating' should remember that it is only" 1 "a game, and that we all get our fun in different ways. Some of us would never get to the later screens without a boost. Yes, I do mean me."'" Miner Willy will remain in thecharts for a while yet, whateverpublisher's label he carries.": 1 "WHERE ~S$~ IS THE REQUIRED"'"STRING AND X & Y ARE THE CO-ORDSTHE ~30463~ IN LINE 9040 REFERS TO THE CHARS SET IN USE . IF THENORMAL 1 "WHAT DO YOU WANT AS THE WINNING SCORE ";WS 1 "WELL THATS ABOUT IT FOLKS !!"'"I'VE SAID EVERYTHING I DIDN'T"'"WANT TO SAY AND DID EVERYTHING I DIDN'T WANT TO DO . I'D JUST LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TOSAY ~ ~ TO ALL THE" 1 "THIS DOUBLE HEIGHT SET IS EASILYPROGRAMMED FOR,AND IS BEST DONE BY A SHORT SUB-ROUTINE SUCH AS -" 1 "I WOULD NOW LIKE TO OFFER SOME SUGGESTIONS TO S 1 "I SUPPOSE I HAD BETTER MENTION MY LITTLE ..... ER ..... BROTHER(NOT THE WORD I WAS LOOKING FOR BUT IT'LL HAVE TO DO), 1 "F",A,A,A,16 1 "DONT BE SILLY -- PRESS ENTER";Y$: 1 "D",A,A,56 1 "AS I CASUALLY ~PRESS ANY KEY~ I TAKE PITY ON THE LESSER"'"MORTALS WITHOUT SPEC-COMP WHO"'"WEAR-AWAY THEIR PSEUDO-"'"PROFESSIONAL KEYBOARDS AND"'"FINGERS ONLY TO FIND,MANY HOURS LATER,THAT THE ~MASTERPIECE~"'"DOESN'T WORK OR,AT BEST,IS"'"ABOUT AS ORIGINAL AS HANGMAN !!" 1 "AND AT LAST I GET TO SEE WHAT MYCASH IS BUYING THANKS TO YOUR"'"INNOVATIVE ~ 1 "ALSO,HOW ABOUT A SERIES ON"'"MACHINE-CODE PROGRAMMING ?" 1 ";" ONE IS USED IT"'"SHOULD BE REPLACED WITH 15616 ." 1 "8";"HAVING JUST REACHED THE"'"LETTERS SECTION OF YOUR THIRD"'"ISSUE,I WAS SHOCKED TO FIND NONEFROM THE GREATER SIDE OF THE"'"BORDER ! NOT TO BE OUTDONE BY"'"THE SASSENACHS,I FELT BOUND TO PUT PEN TO PAPER - OR RATHER"'"FINGER TO BUTTON ." 1 "8",I;"*"; 1 "6";"* PRESS A KEY TO TURN THE PAGE *" 1 "5";"IF YOU THINK I'M NOW GOING TO PRAISE YOU ~TO THE SKIES~"'"THEN I'M AFRAID YOU'RE CORRECT!!"'"WHAT AN EXCELLANT IDEA TO HAVE A MAGAZINE ON A TAPE! NO LONGER DO I HAVE TO SIT BLEARY-EYED AT LISTINGS IN OTHER MAGS TRYING TODISTINGUISH 8'S FROM B'S ETC." 1 "5";"AS THE MORE OBSERVANT AMONGYOU WILL HAVE NOTICED,I HAVE"'"CHANGED THE CHARACTER SET BY"'"POKING SYSTEM VARIABLE ~CHARS~ TO DIFFERENT ADDRESSES IN RAM . THIS ONE IS SITUATED AT 30463 SO,TO CALL IT YOU POKE 23607 WITH 117 AND 23606 WITH 255." 1 "24";"MARTIN." 1 "24";"CRAIG"; 1 "22",Y;"t": 1 "21",Y;"sr" 1 "18";"SET IS REALLY TWO"; 1 "18";"SCOTLAND"; 1 "18";"FIFE,"; 1 "18";"COWDENBEATH,"; 1 "18";"59 CHAPEL ST.,"; 1 "18";"27/10/83" 1 "18";"- ONE FOR EACH" 1 "12";"efgikmoq."; 1 "12";"d hjlnpl" 1 "12";"abc"; 1 "12",I;"*": 1 "1","0","1","0",".5","2",".5","4",".5","0",".5","4","1","7","1","12","1","12",".5","12",".5","12",".5","7",".5","4","1","0","1","5","1","9",".5","5",".5","4",".6","7",".5","4",".5","0","1","2","1","0",".5","2","2","0" 1 "" "---- 1 "" "---- 1 "" $%--- 1 "" $$%%- 1 " WINS BY ";X;" POINTS" 1 " WINS BY ";X;" POINT" 1 " You get five speeds, a 'hold' control and a high score table with initials. Top speed is too fast for me, so arcade stars should be happy. Movement is in 8 directions, not just the more usual 4, which gives your joy- stick its rightful diagonals." 1 " You get a practice go at the computer's code before entering the maze. Speed is the essence. The inlay blurb seems to poke fun at a computer taking over the universe. Rash words which the writer will one day regret.": 1 " You do need a Kempston joy- stick for this one. The keyboardcontrols are loony, using the numbers from 6 to 0, but neitherthe cursor directions nor the Interface 2 joystick directions apply. Room for a mod here.": 1 " You control the white car via Kempston joystick or keyboard, and the yellow car is driven by the Spectrum in those odd micro-seconds when it isn't throwing scenery around the screen and whipping the road about.": 1 " You can use the Interface 2 sticks if you must, but up and down are reversed. Turn it roundand left and right are reversed.Hold it upside down, and the directions are right. Can you find the fire button?" 1 " With upgrades to 48K availableat around `20 however, I would strongly recommend taking the plunge, if only to get your pawson 'Penetrator'. Perhaps with a few more bytes, this prog could have had user defined control keys or more joystick options.": 1 " Visions claim that this prog- ram is full of bugs, and so it is, even if you don't count the snails. It is, of course, a ver-sion of 'centipede', and quite anice one, if that's what you're looking for." 1 " To get onto the high score table you have not only to com- plete the course, but beat the other car. I adjudge this quite impossible at level 5. Perhaps real life driving inhibits one. There is also a practice mode," 1 " This bit of gear can be made up in a few minutes using three 9 pin 'D' connectors and some wire, provided you can solder. 'D' connectors come in male and female, and rather then get intoa philosophical discussion about" 1 " The door codes are 3 digits entered according to a keyboard overlay, as the number keys con-flict with cursor controls. I wouldn't want to play this one without a joystick and four cupsof coffee." 1 " The basic idea is to stay on the road, choosing a speed ap- propriate to the driving condi- tions. You can also select the driving conditions from a menu of 5 circuits and five degrees of opponent's skill." 1 " Sinclair's Spectrum Interface 2 joystick ports are of limited use, because they imitate an oddset of keys not catered for by most existing software. Luckily,they can be reconfigured to giveone port imitating the cursor keys, which is much more useful." 1 " Shutting doors behind you willdelay Bogul, but the computer opens them up again and shuts others in your face. Evil, see? Having got to the computer youmust best it at mastermind and get out again with added Boguls.": 1 " Rather than modifying the in- terface itself, which you might one day want to use with ROM cartridges if the price is ever reduced to a reasonable figure, we have designed an adapter to fool the Interface." 1 " Pins identified by a solid coloured blob should be wired tothe pin of the same colour. The plain white pins should not be connected. Housing and cosmetic details are left as an exercise for you, dear readers!" 1 " Miner Willy is one of 1983's stars, so why did Bug-Byte wait until 1984 to send a review copyto this prestigious and influen-cial journal? This is especiallyodd as its author has recently transferred the rights to his own publishing company." 1 " Kempston or cursor joysticks are supported, but even so my keyboard took a beating from door codes being punched in. I often needed several attempts toget a door open, probably due topanic brought on by Boguls foot-steps approaching. Good effect." 1 " It's still a smashing program of course, whoever is selling itby the time you read this. With the mad piano, twenty different levels (and I mean different!), and a demo mode to give you a glimpse at all of them, you get" 1 " It's 'Corridors of Genon' in full, and it involves being pur-sued around a circular 3D maze by Bogul, who resembles the vac-uum cleaner beast from 'Yellow Submarine'. Your task is to get to the evil computer at the mazecentre and knobble it before it" 1 " Having gone on at some length elswhere about Silversoft pro- ducing mostly 16K games, I now find that Visions seem to have espoused a similar policy, so 16K users would seem to be well looked after." 1 " As my best results were gainedat an indicated speed of 30 MPH,I had a lot of trouble being runinto from behind if I allowed the yellow car any skill level above 1. You can easily summon up more speed than you can cope with, even on the easy circuits." 1 " A 3D road race game on a Spec-trum must represent the limit ofthe art. I know I've said that before but this time I'm sure! You don't get a wheel and ped-als of course, but most of the other features of the stand-up arcade version are incorporated." 1 " Press 2 or 3 for pages or Hold S for 1 " KEYS 1-5=UP"'" A-G=DOWN" 1 " $$$%% 1 START THE TAPE 1 SCOTLAND THE BRAVE 1 KEEP UP YEIR GUID WURK 1 `` @@ 1 @@@@@@ 1 @@@@ 1 1